Winfried Bruns
1. Beispiele reflexiver Differentialmoduln. Dissertation, Clausthal 1972.
2. Basische Elemente in Moduln über noetherschen Ringen. Habilitationsschrift, Clausthal 1977.
3. (mit U. Vetter) Determinantal rings, VIII + 236 pp., Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1327, Springer-Verlag 1988
4. (mit J. Herzog) Cohen-Macaulay rings, XII +
404 pp.,
5. (mit J. Herzog) Cohen-Macaulay
rings, Revised Edition, XIV + 453 pp., Cambridge Studies in Advanced
Mathematics 39, Cambridge University Press 1998
6. (mit U. Vetter) Analysis einer reellen Veränderlichen, 2. neubearbeitete Aufl. BIS-Verlag Oldenburg 2003
J. Gubeladze) Polytopes, rings and K-theory,
XIV + 461 pp. Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer 2009. (Corrections)
A. Conca, C. Raicu, M. Varbaro) Determinants,Gröbner Bases and Cohomology,
XIII + 503 pp., Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer 2022.
Herausgegebene Tagungsbände
1. (mit A. Simis) Commutative Algebra, Proceedings, Salvador 1988, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1430, Springer-Verlag 1990
2. (mit J. Herzog, M. Hochster, U. Vetter) Commutative
Algebra. Extended Abstracts of an
international conference, Vechta 1994. Runge 1994
Conference on Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics, Allahabad 2003. Lecture
Notes In Memory of Vishwa Chander
Dumir (1943 - 2006). Ramanujan Mathematical Society
Lecture Notes.
1. Zur Reflexivität analytischer Differentialmoduln. J. Reine Angew. Math. 277, 63 - 73 (1975)
2. Die Divisorenklassengruppe der Restklassenringe von Polynomringen nach Determinantenidealen. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 20, 1109 - 1111 (1975)
3. (mit U. Vetter) Zur Längenberechnung der Torsion äußerer Potenzen. Manuscr. Math. 14, 337 - 348 (1975)
4. (mit U. Vetter) Die Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes von Bourbaki und einige Anwendungen. Manuscr. Math. 17, 317 - 325 (1975)
5. "Jede" endliche freie Auflösung ist freie Auflösung eines von drei Elementen erzeugten Ideals. J. Algebra 39, 429 - 439 (1976)
6. Zur Erzeugung von Moduln. Commun. in Algebra 4, 341 - 373 (1976)
7. Zur Einbettung von Moduln in zyklische Moduln und direkte Summen zyklischer Moduln. J. Algebra 53, 239 - 252 (1978)
8. Basische Elemente in Steinschen Moduln. Monatsh. Math. 85, 282 - 295 (1978)
9. Eine Charakterisierung der (Rk,Sk+1)-Ringe. Arch. Math. 30, 118 - 121 (1978)
10. Zur Konstruktion basischer Elemente. Math. Z. 172, 63 - 75 (1980)
E. G. Evans und Ph. Griffith)
Syzygies, ideals of height two, and
vector bundles. J. Algebra 67, 143 - 162 (1980)
the number of elements independent with respect to an ideal. J. London
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The Eisenbud-Evans
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14. The canonical module of a determinantal
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Generic maps and modules. Compositio Math. 47, 171 - 193 (1982)
Divisors on varieties of complexes.
Math. Ann. 264, 53 - 71 (1983)
The existence of generic free resolutions and
related objects. Math. Scand. 55, 33 - 46 (1984)
Orientations and multiplicative
structures of resolutions. J. Reine Angew. Math. 364, 171 - 176 (1986)
U. Vetter) Length formulas
for the local cohomology of exterior powers.
Math. Z. 191, 145 - 158 (1986)
20. The Buchsbaum-Eisenbud structure theorems and alternating syzygies. Commun. in Algebra 15, 873 - 925 (1987)
21. Volterras Prinzip oder: Warum gab es während des Ersten Weltkriegs soviele Haie im Mittelmeer. In: Der Mensch und die Natur. Herausgeber: W. Eckermann und J. Kuropka, Vechta 1986 (Diese Arbeit enthält keine eigenen Forschungsergebnisse).
The canonical module of an associated graded
ring. Arch. Math. 47, 320 - 323 (1986)
A. Simis) Symmetric algebras of
modules arising from a fixed submatrix of a generic matrix. J. Pure Appl.
Algebra 49, 227 - 245 (1987)
24. Additions to the theory of algebras with straightening law. In: M. Hochster, C. Huneke, J. Sally (Ed.), Proceedings des Microprogram on Commutative Algebra, Berkeley Juni/Juli 1987, Springer-Verlag 1989
U. Vetter) Modules defined by generic
symmetric and alternating maps. In: S. Balcerzyk
et al. (Eds.), Topics in Algebra, Banach Center Publications Vol. 26, Part 2, Warschau
1990, pp. 31-38
A.R. Kustin und M. Miller) The resolution of the generic
residual intersection of a complete intersection. J. Algebra 128, 214-239
A. Simis und Ngo Viet Trung) Blow-up
of straightening closed ideals in ordinal Hodge algebras. Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 326, 507-528 (1991)
Straightening laws on modules and
their symmetric algebras. In: W. Bruns, A. Simis (Eds.) Commutative
Algebra, Proceedings, Salvador 1988, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1430,
Springer-Verlag 1990
Algebras defined by powers of determinantal
ideals. J. Algebra 142, 150-163 (1991)
R. Schwänzl) The number of equations defining a
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The Evans-Griffith syzygy
theorem and Bass numbers. Proc Amer. Math. Soc. 115, 939-946 (1992)
On the Koszul
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J. Herzog) On the computation
of a-invariants. Manuscripta math. 77,
201-213 (1992)
J. Herzog und U. Vetter) Syzygies and walks.
In: A. Simis, N. V. Trung, G.Valla (Eds.) Commutative Algebra, Proceedings, Trieste
1992, World Scientific 1994
T. Hibi) Cohen-Macaulay
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J. Comb. 19, 779-785 (1998)
T. Hibi) Stanley-Reisner rings
with pure resolutions. Commun. Algebra, 23,
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J. Herzog) On multigraded
resolutions. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 118, 245-257 (1995)
J. Herzog) Semigroup rings and
simplicial complexes. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 122, 185-208 (1997)
J. Gubeladze) Combinatorial
invariance of Stanley-Reisner rings. Georg. Math. J. 3, 315-318
J.Gubeladze und Ngo Viet Trung) Normal polytopes, triangulations, and Koszul algebras.
J. Reine Angew. Math.
485, 123-160 (1997)
J. Gubeladze) Examples
of non-finitely generated Koszul algebras. Math. Nach. 196, 47 - 59 (1998)
J. Gubeladze) Rectangular
simplicial semigroups. In: D. Eisenbud (Hrsg.), Commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and
computational methods, Springer Singapore 1999, S. 201 - 214
A. Conca) KRS and powers of
determinantal ideals. Compositio Math.
111, 111 - 122 (1998)
Tight closure. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 33, 447 - 457 (1997)
A. Guerrieri) The Dedekind-Mertens formula and determinantal ideals. Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 127, 657 - 663 (1999)
G. Boffi und A. Guerrieri) On the jacobian
ideal of a trilinear form. J. Algebra 197, 521 - 534 (1997)
A. Conca) The F-rationality of determinantal rings and their
Rees rings.
W. V. Vasconcelos und R. Villareal) Degree
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49. (mit U. Vetter) A remark on Koszul complexes. Beitr. Algebra Geom. 39, 249 - 254 (1998)
50. (mit J. Gubeladze) Polytopal linear groups. J. Algebra 218, 715 - 737 (1999)
J. Gubeladze) A regularity criterion for semigroup
rings. Georg. Math. J. 6, 259-262 (1999)
M. Kwiecinski) Generic graph construction ideals
and Greene’s theorem. Math. Z. 233, 115 - 126 (2000)
J. Gubeladze) Normality and covering properties of
affine semigroups. J. Reine Angew.
Math. 510, 161 - 178 (1999)
J. Gubeladze, M. Henk, A. Martin und R. Weismantel) A
counterexample to an integer analogue of Carathéodory's
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Math. 510, 179 - 185 (1999)
55. Diskrete Kegel und der Satz von Carathéodory. In: R. Künzel (Hrsg.), Wege der Wissenschaft, Universitätsverlag Rasch, Osnabrück 1999, S. 361 - 371 English version
A. Conca) KRS and determinantal ideals.
In: J. Herzog, G. Restuccia (Hrsg.),
Geometric and combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra, Marcel Dekker,
2001, pp. 67 - 87
U. Vetter) The Koszul
complex in projective dimension one. In: J. Herzog, G. Restuccia
(Hrsg.), Geometric and combinatorial aspects of
commutative algebra, Marcel Dekker, 2001, pp. 89 - 97
A. Conca) Algebras of minors. J.
Algebra 246, 311 - 330 (2001)
J. Gubeladze) Polytopal
linear retractions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354, 179 - 203 (2002)
R. Koch) Computing the integral
closure of an affine semigoup. Univ. Iagell. Acta Math. 39, 59 - 70 (2001)
J. Gubeladze und N. V. Trung) Problems and algorithms for affine
semigroups. Semigroup Forum 64, 180--212 (2002)
J. Gubeladze) Polyhedral
algebras, arrangements of toric varieties, and their
groups. In T. Hibi (ed.), Computational Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics.
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 33 , 1 - 51 (2002)
63. (mit J. Gubeladze) Semigroup algebras and discrete geometry. In L. Bonavero and M. Brion (eds.), Toric geometry. Seminaires et Congres 6, 43 - 127 (2002)
64. (mit J. Gubeladze) Polytopal linear algebra. Beitr. Algebra Geom. 43, 479 - 500 (2002)
65. (mit J. Gubeladze) Polyhedral K_2. manuscripta math. 109, 367 - 404 (2002)
J. Gubeladze) Unimodular
covers of multiples of polytopes. Documenta Math.
7, 463 - 80 (2002)
J. Gubeladze) Higher
polyhedral K-groups. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 184. 175 - 228 (2003).
W. V. Vasconcelos) Minors of
symmetric and exterior powers. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 179, 235 - 240 (2003)
J. Gubeladze) Divisorial
linear algebra of normal semigroup rings. Algebr.
Represent. Theory 6, 139 - 168 (2003)
G. Restuccia) Canonical modules of Rees algebras.
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 201, 189 – 203 (2005)
A. Conca) Gröbner
bases and determinantal ideals. In: J. Herzog und V.Vuletescu (Hrsg.), Commutative
Algebra, Singularities and
Computer Algebra. Kluwer, 2003, pp. 9-66
A. Conca) Gröbner
bases, initial ideals and initial algebras. In: L.L. Avramov
et al. (Hrsg.), Homological methods in commutative
algebra, IPM Proceedings, Teheran 2004
J. Gubeladze) Polytopes and K-theory. Georg.
Math. J. 11, 655–670 (2004)
T. Römer und A. Wiebe) Initial algebras of determinantal
rings, Cohen-Macaulay and Ulrich ideals.
Conic divisor classes over a normal monoid
algebra. In: S. Ghorpade et al. (Eds.),
Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Contemp. Math. 390, 63 - 72 (2005)
M. Brun und T. Römer) Cohomology
of partially ordered sets and local cohomology of
section rings. Adv. In Math. 208, 210 – 235 (2007)
Ping Li und T. Römer) On seminormal
monoid rings. J. Algebra 302, 361 – 386 (2006)
(mit T. Römer) h-vectors of Gorenstein
polytopes. J. Comb. Th. Ser. A. 114, 165 – 176 (2007)
B. Ichim) On
the coefficients of Hilbert quasipolynomials.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135, 1305-1308 (2007)
On the integral Caratheodory
property. Experimental Math. 16, 359 – 363 (2008)
Commutative algebra arising from the Anand – Dumir – Gupta conjectures.
In: Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics, W.Bruns, Ed., Ramanujan Math. Soc. Lect. Notes Ser. 4 (Part
II). RamanujanMath. Soc., 2007, pp.1 – 38
R. Koch und T. Römer) Gröbner
bases and Betti numbers of monoidal complexes.
A. Conca) The variety of exterior
powers of linear maps. J. Algebra 322 2927–2949 (2009)
B. Ichim) Normaliz:
Algorithms for affine monoids and rational cones. J.
Algebra 324, 1098-1113 (2010)
85. (mit A. Conca und T. Römer) Koszul homology and syzygies of Veronese subalgebras. Math. Ann. 351, 761 – 779 (2011)
86. (mit G. Kämpf) A Macaulay 2 interface for Normaliz. J. Softw. Algebr. Geom. 2, 15 – 19 (2010)
87. (mit C. Krattenthaler und J. Uliczka) Stanley decompositions and Hilbert depth in the Koszul complex. J. Commut. Algebra 2, 327 - 357 (2010)
88. (mit R. Hemmecke, B.
Ichim, M. Köppe und C. Söger) Challenging
cimputations of Hilbert bases of cones associated
with algebraic statistics. Exp.
Math. 20, 25 – 33 (2011)
89. (mit B. Ichim und C. Söger) Introduction to Normaliz
K. Fukuda et al. (Eds.): ICMS 2010, LNCS 6327, pp.
209–212, 2010.
A. Conca und T. Römer) Koszul cycles. In: Combinatorial Aspects of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry.
Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2009 Fløystad,
Gunnar; Johnsen, Trygve; Knutsen,
Andreas Leopold (Eds.) Springer 2010, pp. 17 – 33
The quest for
counterexamples in toric geometry. In H. Flenner,
und D. Patil (Hrsg.), Proc. CAAG 2010, RMS-Lecture Notes Series No. 17,
2013, pp. 1–17
A. Conca und M. Varbaro) Maximal minors and linear powers.
J. Reine Angew. Math.,
41–53702 (2015)
A. Conca und M. Varbaro) Relations
between the minors of a generic matrix. Adv. in Math. 244,
171–206 (2013)
B. Ichim und C. Söger) The power of pyramid
decomposition in Normaliz. J. Symb.
CompJ.Symb. Comp. 74, 513–536 (2016)
M. Varbaro) Partitions of single exterior
type. Transformation Groups 19, 969-978 (2014)
C. Söger) The computation of generalized Ehrhart series in Normaliz.
J. Symb. Comp. 68,
75–86 (2015)
Binomial Regular Sequences and Free Sums. Acta Math. Vietnam. 40, 71–83 (2015)
A. Berget und A. Conca) Ideals
generated by superstandard tableaux. Proc.
Commutative Algebra and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry, II. MSRI
Publications, Volume 68, 2015, pp. 43–62
(mit J. Moyano und J. Uliczka) Hilbert regularity of Z-graded
modules over polynomial rings. J. Commut. Algebra
9, 157–184 (2017).
C. Söger) Recent
Developments in Normaliz. In: H. Hong and C. Yap
(Eds.): ICMS 2014, LNCS 8592, pp. 663–668, Springer 2014
(mit J. Gubeladze und M. Michalek)
Quantum jumps of normal polytopes. Discrete Comput.
Geom. 56, 181-215 (2016)
Normaliz: a
package for linear diophantine systems, polyhedra and lattices. Computeralgebra
Rundbrief 59, 12–16(2016)
(mit A. Conca) Products of
fixed ideals of maximal minors. Adv. inAppl.
Math. 91, 1–23 (2017)
(mit M. v. Thaden) Unimodular triangulations of simplicial cones by short
vectors. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 150, 137–151
(mit H. Saremi) Hilbert
Regularity of Stanley-Reisner Rings. International Journal of Algebra and Computation Vol. 27, No. 3 323–332 (2017)
(mit A. Conca) Linear resolutions
of powers and products. In: W. Decker,
G- Pfister, M. Schulze (Eds.), Singularities and Computer Algebra. Festschrift for Gert-Martin
Greuel on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, pp. 47–69, Springer 2017
(mit R. Sieg und C. Söger) The subdivision of large
simplicial cones in Normaliz. Greuel, Gert-Martin (ed.)
et al., ICMS 2016. LNCS 9725, 102–109,
Springer 2016
mit A. Conca) A remark on regularity of
powers and products of ideals. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 221, 2861–2868 (2017)
R. Sieg und C. Söger) Normaliz 2013–2016. G. Böckle, W.
Decker und G. Malle (Eds.), Algebraic and experimental methods in algera, geometry, and number theory,
pp. 123–146, Springer 2018
(mit B. Ichim und C. Söger) Computations
of volumes and Ehrhart series in four candidates elections. Ann. Oper. Res. 280, no. 1-2, 241–265 (2019)
(mit P. García-Sánchez, Chr. O’Neill und D. Wilburne) Wilf's
conjecture in fixed multiplicity . Internat. J. Algebra Comput.
30, no. 4, 861–882 (2020)
Algebraic polytopes in Normaliz.A. M. In: Bigatti. Carette, J. H. Davenport, M. Joswig und T. de Wolff (Eds.), Mathematical Software
– ICMS 2020, LNCS 2097, Springer 2020, pp. 193 – 201
P. García-Sánchez und Luca Moci) The monoid of monotone
functions on a poset and quasi-arithmetic
multiplicities for uniform matroids. J. Algebra 569, 377–400 (2021)
(mit B. Ichim) Polytope
volume by descent in the face lattice and applications in social choice.
Math. Program. Comput. 13, no. 2, 415–442 (2021)
(mit A. Conca und M. Varbaro) Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and powers. I. Peeva (Ed.), Commutative Algebra. Springer 2022, pp. 147–158
Automorphism groups and
normal forms in Normaliz. Res. Math. Sci. 9
(2022), no. 2, Paper No. 20
Polytope volume in Normaliz. São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences
T. Hibi) A
new Invariant of lattice polytopes, Math. Scand. 130, 221 – 227 (2024)
Veröffentlichungen außerhalb der Mathematik
1. Standort Vechta der Universität Osnabrück, Struktur - Aufgaben - Zukunftsperspektiven. In: H. Gross, J. Kuropka (Hrsg.) Europas kleine Hochschulen. LIT-Verlag, Münster 1997