Bio - Prof. Dr. Siegfried Greif
Siegfried Greif, Dr. phil., retired professor, University of Osnabrück (Work and Organizational Psychology) teaches coaching at various universities and, together with the registered society "Arbeit, Bildung und Forschung (ABF) e.V." (Work, Education and Research), conducts scientifically based and certified coaching trainings for practitioners.
Current focus of his research is coaching (extension and improvement of the effectiveness of coaching methods, scientifically based instruments for the evaluation of processes, success factors and results).
From 1976-1982 he was professor at the Free University of Berlin (head of the Social and Organizational Psychology Unit) and from 1982-2008 full professor at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany (head of the Work and Organizational Psychology Unit and member of the Institute of Migration and Intercultural Studies, IMIS, He teaches coaching at the University of Hamburg and Bochum and offers a coaching education for practitioners together with the ABF:
He is member of the German Psychological Society, the German Coaching Federation (DBVC, Senior Coach) and the International Society of Coaching Psychology (ISCP), was Research Fellow of the British Psychol. Society (1984) and had the Wilhelm Wundt chair of the University of Leipzig (1991/92), and from 2016 is member of the Scientific Advisory Council of The Institute of Coaching associated with Harvard Medical School, USA.
In a two-year practical sabbatical (1994-96) he worked as a consultant and coach of the worldwide leading photo and special paper manufacturer Felix Schoeller. From that time on he his committed to bridge the gap between science and practice. In his theories and applied tools he integrates practical knowledge assessed through idiverse projects, consultations of organizations and his coaching practice.
In addition to many articles in professional journals and numerous book chapters, he has published 20 books, including two monographs on "Coaching und ergebnisorientierte Selbstreflexion" (2008, Hogrefe) and "Was ist Coaching? (2021, Kindle), which integrate scientific foundations and practical methods of coaching (English version of the last book in preparation). As co-editor, he has published the German "Handbuch Schlüssselkonzepte im Coaching " (2018, Springer) and the expanded English-language edition "International Handbook of Evidence Based Coaching" (2021, Springer).
He was on the board of several German and English Journals, is on the board of "Coaching: International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice", "Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching (OSC)", "Coaching Theory and Practice" (Springer)“ and "Zeitschrift Gruppendynamik", and is the editor of a German book series on "Innovative Management" (Goettingen: Hogrefe).